Wednesday August 24, 2016
- 20:00 23:00
Welcome reception and badge pick-up by UPPERQUAD! At Bryggjan Brugghús
Thursday August 25, 2016
- 08:00 09:15
Breakfast and badge pick-up
- 09:15 09:45
Opening JSConf Iceland 2016
- 09:45 10:15
On left-pad and empathy: understanding human connection
- 10:15 10:45
Why you should care about the VR Web - and how to build it!
- 10:45 11:15
- 11:15 11:45
A cartoon guide to performance in React
The First Engineer's Dilemma
- 12:00 12:30
Reactive Animations with CSS Variables
React: Learn Once Write Anywhere
- 12:30 13:30
- 13:30 14:00
Spinning up an Electron App - Desktop Apps in JavaScript
- 14:15 14:45
The New Mobile Web: Service Worker, Push, and App Manifests
Demystifying (JavaScript) engines
- 15:00 15:30
User experience is everything
Why is a Guinea Pig Like a Microservice?
- 15:30 16:00
- 16:00 16:30
Recreate Masterpieces of Modern Art with JavaScript!
Breaking the monolith with Node and Docker at Netflix
- 16:45 17:15
Dirty little front-end tricks
You Don't Know Node.js
- 17:30 18:00
Arbitrary Computation on the GPU Using WebGL
Speech Recognition on the Web
- 18:00
Special announcement in Katla
- 19:00 23:00
Hacker party in Harpa by Mozilla!
Friday August 26, 2016
- 08:45 09:45
- 09:45 10:15
If One Laptop per Child were started today, how JavaScript-y would it be?
JavaScript on tiny, wearable hardware
- 10:30 11:00
The npm website: a tale of wonder and woe (and wombats!)
The future of frontend tooling
- 11:15 11:45
JavaScript @ Spotify
HSL: The RGB You've Been Waiting For
- 12:00 12:30
Making a Robot Eye with JavaScript - or Magic of Computer Vision Unraveled
This will flow your mind
- 12:30 13:30
- 13:30 14:00
Progressive Rendering – how to make your app render sooner
Full-stack JavaScript development with Docker
- 14:15 14:45
Meet MySam - An open AI experiment
- 15:00 15:30
Pivoting to React, at scale
Feeling like a fake - the Impostor Syndrome
- 15:30 16:00
- 16:00 16:30
On How Your Brain is Conspiring Against You Making Good Software
- 16:45 17:15
The state of the JavaScript Community
- 17:30 18:00
Closing remarks
- 19:00 23:00
Viking party in "Gamla bíó" by Bloomberg
Saturday August 27, 2016
- 08:00 17:00
Experience Iceland by Highcharts! Four special JSConf trips to choose from. - Buy tickets
- 17:00 22:00
Blue Lagoon Farewell Dinner - RSVP
Community events
Thursday August 11 - JSConf Community Meetup (free)
The community is hosting a big meetup before the main JSConf event. Expect over 150 people in a great atmosphere with plenty of great talks and beverages (food and drinks!). If you arrive super early for the conference, this is the perfect event for you!
Thursday August 18 - Beer.js at Loft hostel at 7pm (free)
Beer.js is a free + public hangout for JavaScript enthusiasts that happens in Reykjavik. No presentations, RSVPs or any formal schedule. Just show up and talk, learn.
Saturday August 20 - Culture night (free)
Not really a JS community event, but don't miss this national event celebrating culture in all shapes. Starts with a public marathon in the morning and caps with a grand concert and fireworks in the night. In between there are public art exhibits, concerts and shows everywhere you go.
Wednesday August 24 - Workshops
Full day workshops with Brian Holt & Vitaly Friedman will be held by our friends at SVEF on the day before the conference. Only 45 seats are available for each workshop.
Monday August 29 - Progressive Web Apps, PWA Full Day Workshop presented by Mozilla (free)
Everything you ever wanted to know about the technologies behind progressive webapps but you were afraid to ask. The workshop is a full-day, hands-on event facilitated by István Szmozsánszky (Flaki) and Andrzej Mazur (end3r), Mozilla Tech Speakers, so be sure to bring your laptop and prepare for some serious hack'n'learn!
Significant Other Track
JSConf Iceland is the perfect place to bring the family.
As a significant other, you can enjoy special activities during conference hours as well as join attendees for dinner and evening events. While most of the cost is covered by our awesome sponsors, you need to buy tickets for each of the events you will be participating in.
Thursday August 25, 2016
Explore Reykjavik using the "Hop on, Hop off" bus, with the opportunity to hop on and off at conveniently located bus stops around the city.
The trip includes a 24 hour bus ticket, a meal ticket and entrance to Reykjavik's largest geothermal swimming pool. You can go on your own or in a group with one of the organizers.
09:00 09:30 | Grab your bus, meal and pool tickets at Harpa. | |
09:30 12:00 | Tour the city. | |
12:00 13:00 | Grab some lunch. | |
13:00 15:00 | Tour the city. | |
15:00 17:00 | Take a dip in Laugardalslaug swimming pool. | |
17:00 17:30 | Arrive back to Harpa. |
Friday August 26, 2016
The Golden Circle tour takes in three popular attractions all within 100km of the capital: Þingvellir, Geysir and Gullfoss.
This is a great way to see tectonic rifts, gushing geysers and one of Iceland's most famous waterfalls all in one day.
08:45 09:00 | Please arrive early, bus leaves at 09:00. | |
09:00 17:00 | The Golden Circle day trip. See Geysir, Gullfoss and Þingvellir. | |
17:00 17:30 | Arrive back to Harpa. |
Significant other meal ticket
In addition to the above, significant others can join attendees for breakfast and the three awesome evening parties by purchasing a meal ticket. It also allows them to RSVP to the Blue Lagoon farewell dinner.